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>> Home >> Texas >> Coppell Childcare Providers >> Kiddin Around

Kiddin Around

Name:  Kiddin Around
Address:  144 W Parkway Blvd
 Coppell, TX 75019
Phone:  (972) 462-1300

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Review by Ray on Monday, August 11, 2008 at 12:40:09 PM
I have been using this facility for 3 years while I work cutting hair at the salon. My boys absolutely LOVE this place!! They never want to go home!! I live in a nearby town, and it is kind of out of the way for me to drive there, but way worth it. I have never had to worry that my children weren't being supervised. They have now opened up a location closer to me and we are just ecstatic! My children have met wonderful friends over the last few years, and ask daily if they can go again. Whether I leave them there for 1 hour or all day, I know they are well taken care of. You just HAVE to check out this place if you haven't already!