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>> Home >> Texas >> Glen Rose Childcare Providers >> Little Creations Daycare

Little Creations Daycare

Name:  Little Creations Daycare
Address:  303 Mesquite St
 Glen Rose, TX 76043
Phone:  (254) 897-3502

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Review by Catholic Charities on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 at 12:08:53 PM
Hi. My name is Denija Delic and I work for the Enrollment Solutions Program at Catholic Charities. The Enrollment Solutions Program provides free and accurate information and education about CHIP, Children’s Medicaid, CHIP Perinatal, Food Stamps, Medicaid for the Elderly and Disabled, and some other programs that offer benefits to individuals in need. Many people in your community may find this information extremely valuable. It could help make their lives easier and better. The information as well as the benefits is free and we would really appreciate it if we could come by and share it with you. We can provide you with brochures, fliers, and more. Please let me know if you are interested. If you know anyone else that might be interested in this information please let me know. Thank you