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>> Home >> Texas >> Houston Childcare Providers >> Oakdale Private School

Oakdale Private School

Name:  Oakdale Private School
Address:  1444 Fm 1960 Rd W
 Houston, TX 77090
Phone:  (281) 444-4547

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Write a Review for Oakdale Private School
Review by Past Parent on Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 10:56:55 AM
My daughter's first daycare experience was at Oakdale when she was about 9 months old. I had high expectations of the school b/c I have close family friends who sent a son and daughter here. The front office staff was excellent with everything, but I eventually noticed that the staff had changed from when I would come in to pick up my friends kids. My daughter was sick the entire time she was there, I would come to pick her up and it seemed no one had cared to clean her face or nose the entire day. I do understand that children get sick the first daycare experience until they are used to being around so many people, but I came to pick my daughter up one day and another childs SHOE was in the bed with her, this makes me wonder if the bed was wiped down before she was placed in it which is a procedure in good daycares to keep down germs. My daughter was very unhappy there and the staff was at times rude with my complaining about her crying. Or maybe my expectations were too high before Oakdale no one other than my mother had ever kept her for her dad and I. However, my Goddaughter was removed for some of these same reasons, after I transferred my daughter. I did visit recently and they seem to be attempting the return to the Oakdale that gave them such a good name on this side of town.