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>> Home >> Texas >> San Antonio Childcare Providers >> St. John's Luth. Nursery & School

St. John's Luth. Nursery & School

Name:  St. John's Luth. Nursery & School
Address:  502 E Nueva
 San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone:  (210) 225-2392

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Review by proud parent on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 3:19:14 PM
My 2-year- old son started St. John's the beginning of 2010 and he loves it! He is such a shy little boy but on the way home from his second day he said he wanted to go back to school to play. The staff is so loving and patient with him and the Director is the sweetest person I have met in Childcare. I would strongly recommend this Day School. This place is not just a "daycare" it is a school environment for our little children. Please take the time to visit the Day School and see all the activities they have for all ages.