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>> Home >> Texas >> Lubbock Childcare Providers >> Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones

Name:  Stepping Stones
Address:  26th St
 Lubbock, TX 79411
Phone:  (806) 747-6688

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Review by Director on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 8:00:05 PM
I came to Stepping Stones as the Director not quite two months ago. In that short time, we have enhanced our curriculum, including more frequent and effective methods in both our sign language curriculum for infants and toddlers as well as our preschool rooms. We also adjusted and increased frequency for diaper changes, improved our menu. designed by a licensed nutritionist, increased our outside play, and improved classroom structures. Over the last several weeks we have heard great feedback from our parents. We aim to keep the pace we have set and the continued improvement in every area of our facility. I hope that any of you reading these reviews will come by Stepping Stones and take a tour. We would be glad to show you around and answer any questions.