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>> Home >> Texas >> Stafford Childcare Providers >> Teeter Toddler Daycare

Teeter Toddler Daycare

Name:  Teeter Toddler Daycare
Address:  12336 W Airport Blvd
 Stafford, TX 77477
Phone:  (281) 575-1786

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Review by JCaressa on Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 9:41:07 PM
Usually not the person to post stuff like this. Tough times so switched from Montesseri to a Daycare. Very surprised by the level of care at this place. It was clean and the staff are very responsive. Happy to know that my kids are in safe hand. Thanks!
Review by Season's Mom on Friday, August 8, 2008 at 2:12:44 PM
The women that run own and operate this place are top notch care givers! I can't tell you what a wonderful, capable, and caring group they are. My daughter was enrolled here for 3 years. Unfortunately we moved but I really can't tell you how appreciative I am that they took such good care of my daughter. For the value of service they are PRICELESS! God bless this daycare!