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>> Home >> Texas >> Denton Childcare Providers >> The Imagination Station

The Imagination Station

Name:  The Imagination Station
Address:  2324 San Jacinto Blvd Ste 207
 Denton, TX 76205
Phone:  (940) 565-9104

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Review by LillieTidwell on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 1:49:34 PM
My initial response is that the foyer is a bit cluttered. The receptionist isn't the friendliest person on earth, but, she (hopefully) isn't the one dealing with my child. I had stopped in to pick up registration forms and to find out what was needed to bring with my son. I wasn't offered a tour of the facility which I think should have been done. The sounds I heard were joyous ones. They were of happy children and the children were being loud and boisterous and joyful. That was very encouraging. It was obvious the children were involved in a structured activity such as a learning game. I think he'll enjoy the time there.