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>> Home >> Texas >> Navasota Childcare Providers >> Trinity Lutheran Preschool

Trinity Lutheran Preschool

Name:  Trinity Lutheran Preschool
Address:  1530 E Washington Ave
 Navasota, TX 77868
Phone:  (936) 825-6851

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Review by lisa mcwalters on Sunday, March 2, 2008 at 9:21:18 PM
i love trinity preschool. i worked there for five years and i miss it terribly. when i first applied there i did not know what to expect because i had looked at daycares for my child and did not like what i saw. the moment i walked into trinity i knew it was different.. they have small classes so your child gets more attention. the staff only works part time so you have fresh people during the day. the staff really care about the children and are constantly undergoing training. the preschool is more than daycare it is a loving christian environment that surrounds your child with the love of christ. what more could you ask for