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>> Home >> Texas >> Mckinney Childcare Providers >> Wesley Christian Pre School

Wesley Christian Pre School

Name:  Wesley Christian Pre School
Address:  2705 Virginia Pkwy
 Mckinney, TX 75071
Phone:  (972) 542-4778

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Review by Susan on Monday, July 14, 2008 at 7:55:25 AM
Wesley CHristian preschool is a terrific school for young children, The staff is caring and educated about teaching small children. I like that the program is 2, 3 or 5 days and works out well around public school hours. I t's a safe,nuturing environment and offers Spanish and music and movement classes. Class Ratios are low and the school is small enough that it is comfortable and not overwhelming for a child. The chidlren get a great foundation and are ready to enter the elementary school years afterwards. I highly recommend this preshcool to any parent that is looking for a preschool. It is well run and a friendly place to be!