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>> Home >> Texas >> Lake Dallas Childcare Providers >> Lake Cities Academy

Lake Cities Academy

Name:  Lake Cities Academy
Address:  215 Betchan
 Lake Dallas, TX 75065
Phone:  (940) 321-0339

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Our childcare center/preschool has siix classrooms for each age group. We offer a nurturing environment that educates children but we never forget about the wonder and fun of childhood. Imagination and creative exploration is fostered in the environment of Lake Cities Academy. Children have a wonderful place to learn and grow here. We encourage parents to look at our web site to see our fee schedule, menu, and slide show.

Write a Review for Lake Cities Academy
Review by John on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 10:43:57 AM
My one year old attends this daycare and I am so impressed with the care that he receives from his teacher. He loves Ms. Danielle and I feel good anbout him being there. He eats really well, and is making frineds. I feel confident in the care that my son receives at Lake Cities Academy.