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Leander Childcare Providers
>> The Goddard School
The Goddard School
The Goddard School
1730 Union Street
Leander, TX 78641
(512) 528-1918
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for The Goddard School
Review by mommy on Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 7:33:58 PM
I searched for a long time and toured many schools before finally deciding on Goddard. I thought the combination of degreed teachers and a fun, arts environment would be the best fit for my highly energetic child. At first I thought that it would be a problem that he doesn't like to sit down and focus for very long. I am amazed to find that he is allowed to choose what he wants to do and does not have to do the projects that the other children want to do. It has been a god send to have him wake up in the morning and go to school.
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