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>> Home >> Illinois >> Des Plaines Childcare Providers >> Oakton Community College Early Childhood Education Center

Oakton Community College Early Childhood Education Center

Name:  Oakton Community College Early Childhood Education Center
Address:  1600 E. Golf Rd.
 Des Plaines, IL 60016
Phone:  (847) 635-1840

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Our NAEYC accredited program provides quality early care and education for children throughout the community as well as training for ECE students attending Oakton. Our curriculum is based on the Illinois Early Learning Standards with an emphasis on social competence and emotional development. Families are an integral part of our program and are invited to spend time in the center with their child during the beginning transition days. We would welcome the opportunity to give you a tour of our unique and well designed classrooms. Our location on the college campus provides the children and families with many wonderful resources. Financial assistance available to those who qualify.

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