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>> Home >> Hawaii >> Volcano Childcare Providers >> 2nd In Charge Daycare

2nd In Charge Daycare

Name:  2nd In Charge Daycare
Address:  Mauna Loa Estates
 Volcano, HI 96785
Phone:  (808) 985-8718

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1 week
14 years 11 months

Licensed 24/7 care since 2003. Affordable rates and subsidy accepted for F-T, P-T or Drop-in care. We're happy to help with all your childcare needs!

Write a Review for 2nd In Charge Daycare
Review by May on Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 2:22:55 PM
Hi Laura. I so appreciate your helpfulness in everything. You are always available, cheerful and finding ways to help. I really value your service to me and my girl and the community in providing a safe place to have my most precious love cared for. I can't really express how much that means to me other than to say I trust you with the person I care the most about. It can be really challenging to be a single mom...mostly because of needing to find someone who I can trust to care for skyla when I need to work. Thank you for filling that need for me.