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>> Home >> Texas >> Baytown Childcare Providers >> Little Dreamers Child Care Center

Little Dreamers Child Care Center

Name:  Little Dreamers Child Care Center
Address:  108 Massey Tompkins Road
 Baytown, TX 77521
Phone:  (281) 427-7711

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Review by littlebit0863 on Wednesday, March 7, 2012 at 3:07:03 PM
My son goes to this daycare, and he loves it. This daycare seems very safe, and each and every teacher in the daycare not only knows my son's name, but knows details about him, which lets me know they are a tight knit daycare family. My only complaint is that they don't tell me much about his day. I would like to know what he ate, played, did, learned, etc. but I always arrive at peak pick up and drop off time, and the teachers are all very busy so I never strike up a long chat.