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>> Home >> Texas >> Mesquite Childcare Providers >> Kidz Express

Kidz Express

Name:  Kidz Express
Address:  2014 Bamboo St.
 Mesquite, TX 75150
Phone:  (469) 335-6056

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Does it seem like your child is always getting sick at daycare? Or better yet does your child always seem to get bit by another child? Well I can't say these things won't happen but I can reduce them from being done. Smaller ratio better care. Kidz Express quality In Home childcare your child will finally enjoy daycare.

Write a Review for Kidz Express
Review by Tasha on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 12:32:40 PM
My daughter went here and she loved it! Her face was always clean and diaper dry. Very colorful and cute set up. My daughter brought home arts and crafts and I could tell she was learning. Too bad I had to move out of town or she would still be there!!!