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>> Home >> Virginia >> Virginia Beach Childcare Providers >> Starting Point DayCare

Starting Point DayCare

Name:  Starting Point DayCare
Address:  3596 Criollo Drive
 Virginia Beach , VA 23453
Phone:  (757) 468-5120

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2 months 2 weeks
4 years 11 months

Starting Point DayCare is a professional high-quality home daycare center that provides exceptional child care services for all children. The home daycare center is smoke-free, clean, safe, and has a friendly atmosphere that invites children to learn and grow. It has an intimate, home-like setting with an academic pre-kindergarten classroom-like learning environment. The owner/operator's mission is to help children build confidence and a love of learning. At Starting Point DayCare children are loved, nurtured, and receive positive learning experiences daily. The preschool teacher is dedicated to helping each child discover their unique potential academically, socially, and interpersonally. She is Infant and Child CPR & First Aid Certified through the Red Cross, has a degree in Early Childhood Development, and over 14+ years of child care experience. I invite you to learn more about Starting Point DayCare. For more information please visit the daycare's website at

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