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>> Home >> Maryland >> Reisterstown Childcare Providers >> My Beary 1st Steps

My Beary 1st Steps

Name:  My Beary 1st Steps
Address:  4915 Pleasant Grove Rd.
 Reisterstown, MD 21136
Phone:  (410) 429-4460

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MY BEARY 1ST STEPS is a licenced daycare (154702), CPR, FIRST AID AND SIDS CERTIFIED.


- "REAL" care, love and attention in a family environment for your little treasure.

- An excellent preschool program (montly letters to parents so they know what their little cubs will be learning)

- Art classes with a professional artist (provider is a professional muralist and artist with a bussy weekend schedule. check us out at

- Full Bilingual classes (English/Spanish)

- Gardening (children will watch plants grow and will help to take care of them, then when available they will pick their own produce and bring them home to enjoy healthy meals)

- Tai Chi (Relaxation techinque before nap time that help them rest better, focus and concentrate better

- Beary Special Guests such as a Professional Chef that will be visiting children once a month to prepare healthy meals together, Fireman, Policeman, etc.

- Special Birthday celeb

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