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>> Home >> Ohio >> Painesville Childcare Providers >> Cradle 2 Crayons Daycare Learning Center

Cradle 2 Crayons Daycare Learning Center

Name:  Cradle 2 Crayons Daycare Learning Center
Address:  1778 Mentor Avenue
 Painesville, OH 44077
Phone:  (440) 350-0222

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Hours of Operation
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
5:00 AM - 6:30 PM
12 years

We are open from 5 am 6:30 pm Monday-Friday
We are currently enrolling 15 months until 12 years of age.
Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner are provided and meet all food program requirements
Our teachers are experienced and highly qualified
Transportation to and from the local elementary schools is provided.

Write a Review for Cradle 2 Crayons Daycare Learning Center
Review by ladyk on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 6:48:05 AM
This daycare is awesome. My child has been comming here since he was three months. The teachers are so caring and awesome. The place is so clean.
Review by Dawn on Monday, January 30, 2012 at 2:46:53 PM
This daycare is none like we have been at in the area! It is very family orriented! Everyone is amazing with the children and treat the parents like family! The owner is wonderful, she is understanding and very helpful. The teachers are AMAZING! Very clean place! What is even better is the owners mom will make home made breakfast for the children in the morning just to give it even more of a home experience! It is wonderful to walk into a daycare and smell pancakes or french toast instead of poopy diapers!
Review by ON MY OWN on Thursday, September 2, 2010 at 10:52:54 AM
I love this daycare center, the teachers are awesome and the owner is so nice. My child has been going to this daycare since they first opened and she didnt even cry the first day....It says alot about this place because every other daycare she went to she cried...When i leave her in the morning I have no worries because I know she will be fine and shes in good hands. When I go to pick her up she full of stories about her wonderful day at CRADLE 2 CRAYONS They have all these fun activities and they actually teach her things unlike some other daycares. My child is three years old and she knows her numbers colors shapes and letters shes also starting to write her own name. They are helping so much educating her I think thats a wonderful thing..... THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL THE STAFF AT CRADLE 2 CRAYONS YOUR HARD WORK AND LOVE TOWARDS MY CHILD IS APPRECIATED JOB WELL DONE.