Babysitting/home daycare
Mrs. Amanda Fryxell
903 Aldrich Place
Woodbridge, Va 22191
Parent Contract
It is the parent’s responsibilities to make sure that all immunization records and physical exams stay current during time of enrollment!
Personal Items Needed for Infants:
Diaper Bag w/ ~ Diapers, Wipes, Diaper balm, Bottles, Bottle liners, Formula, Baby Food if applicable, Feeding schedule if one , pacifier if applicable, a change of clothes or two, a allergy list, a medication list(if on any) a medication schedule and a blanket.
Personal Items needed for Toddlers:
Diaper Bag or book bag w/ ~ Change of clothes, extra undergarments, training pants if needed, a favorite blanket, a favorite toy, a feeding schedule if on one, a allergy list, a medication list(if on any) and a medication schedule. Please also include a list of favorite foods and foods that they do not like for hot lunch.
All items need to be in bag everyday! If you would like you stock a bulk supply of diapers, wipes, food, and clothes I will put your name on it and keep it here. When the supply gets low I will inform you that we need more.
Up to 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week
Up to 5 hours a day or 25 hours a week
$ 150.00
I will be closed the following days and All federal holidays. All of which are paid holidays to me. You are
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