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>> Home >> Texas >> Mesquite Childcare Providers >> Stephanie's Home Day Care

Stephanie's Home Day Care

Name:  Stephanie's Home Day Care
Address:  Tik Cir.
 Mesquite, TX 75150
Phone:  (972) 698-7850

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1 week
12 years

I have a home day care that is located off I-30 and Motley in Mesquite near Town East Blvd.


*Experienced, Quality, Affordable Child Care in my home.
*I am registered with the State of Texas,
*have cpr and first aid
*have 20 plus hours of training per year.
*We offer a home nurturing environment where children can learn and have lots of fun,low ratio allows for individual attention yet other children to play with.
*age appropriate activities which include small and large motor skills.
*My hours are from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday.
*The children will have many opportunities to play and explore their imagination.
*I have a large back yard, swing set, riding toys, blocks, educational workbooks
and art supplies to give each child what they need to grow and learn by play.
*All meals are provided.
Please contact me for more information.
***New after hours care available

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