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>> Home >> Texas >> Pearland Childcare Providers >> PYOC Learning Academy

PYOC Learning Academy

Name:  PYOC Learning Academy
Address:  2920 Oak Road
 Pearland, TX 77584
Phone:  (281) 412-9718

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1 month
12 years

Hours of Operation Mon-Fri from 6am to 6:30pm
Full and Part-time childcare available
Before and After school care and transportation available to local area schools.
Also offer childcare from 6pm to 12am every other Friday beginning the 1st week in March.

Secretly hidden next to the leasing office for the Tranquility Bay Apartments (between the Reserve At Tranquility Lake and Tranquility Bay Apts)

Our address is 2920 Oak Rd,, Pearland, TX, 77584 and we can be reached at (281) 412-9718.

Please call for rates and openings!

Write a Review for PYOC Learning Academy
Review by Satified Parent on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 8:17:57 AM
My child has been attending this center since she was 3 months, shes now 3 and I absolutely LOVE this place! There so hands on and really seem to care for the kids there all while educating them. They have recently changed there names to Academic Beginnings CDC they seem to be hidden but there located in Tranquility Bay Apts. across from the office,