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>> Home >> Texas >> Wimberley Childcare Providers >> Little River Preschool

Little River Preschool

Name:  Little River Preschool
Address:  501 Old Kyle Road
 Wimberley, TX 78676
Phone:  (512) 847-5300

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3 years
5 years

Little River Preschool brings exceptional early childhood education to Wimberley, serving three, four and five year olds. The school draws inspiration from the "Core Knowledge" philosophy, which is based on peer review research on learning and cognition, and which examines why certain countries have better educational outcomes than others.

At Little River, children enjoy a balance between playful creative discovery and more focused academic efforts. This is accomplished by using fun, hands-on materials, vocabulary enhancing games and lessons, art, music, dance, free exploratory play, as well as a smattering of good old-fashioned practice. A small, independently owned school, Little River provides a warm setting designed to nurture the whole child; socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically.

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