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>> Home >> Maryland >> Upperco Childcare Providers >> Precious Blessings Family Childcare, Inc.

Precious Blessings Family Childcare, Inc.

Name:  Precious Blessings Family Childcare, Inc.
Address:  14619 Hanover Pike
 Upperco, MD 21155
Phone:  (410) 429-4946

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We are committed to providing each child with a safe, loving environment, with age-appropriate activities that meet their unique needs. That is why we offer an age-appropriate curriculum that is Christian-based, and intended to help each child develop the readiness skills needed to enter kindergarten.

Write a Review for Precious Blessings Family Childcare, Inc.
Review by Madalyn on Sunday, August 15, 2010 at 4:08:17 AM
Precious Blessings is affordable and convenient. It is right on Route 30 (Hanover Pike) Very nice setting and a very nice caregiver. Beth Fales is both pleasant and wonderful with children. My daughter Madalyn is excited to see her everyday and learns so much. At 3 1/2 she is already prepared for kindergarten. There is unstructured time also and all the children seem to love her and their time there. I highly recommend Precious Blessings!