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>> Home >> California >> Harbor City Childcare Providers >> Miramontes Family Day Care

Miramontes Family Day Care

Name:  Miramontes Family Day Care
Address:  1650w 248th St
 Harbor City, CA 90710
Phone:  (310) 539-7249

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1 month
5 years

More than 25 years experience on child care we offer services that included home made breakfast, lunch, snacks outdoor activities, music time, potty training and first steps to pre-school introduction to numbers,letters, shapes, and colors. crafts, table manners, and special Holy days crafts.

Write a Review for Miramontes Family Day Care
Review by littlecook on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 3:43:15 PM
I'm a busy Mom of 3 my first born attended this day care when he was only 3 months old and as the twins came along they also have the luck to go there as well, now my older son is going to pre-school and I see the progress he had learn his letters numbers and colors Maria the owner is a great lady and is better known to the kids as "Abuelita" Spanish for grandma is great to be able to trust in some one while I'm at work she is dependable, organized and caring and the price if compared to other day cares is very good, I most thank her for her help