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>> Home >> New Jersey >> Bayonne Childcare Providers >> cater 2 kidz project

cater 2 kidz project

Name:  cater 2 kidz project
Address:  100 west 17 th street 2nd floor
 Bayonne, NJ 07002
Phone:  (201) 780-9669

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2 months
13 years


Cater 2 Kidz Project is a child care facility in Bayonne , New Jersey . We are a small family oriented business and provide excellent services for our clients. We are registered with Urban League and other child care programs that might be available to you and your family. Our hours of operations are from 7am to 6pm and we provide breakfast and a snack. We also have an LPN who visits our location twice a week too provide your children with healthy eating activities. For any questions about our facility please feel free to call us at (201)780-9669 or email us at

Write a Review for cater 2 kidz project
Review by super dad on Thursday, November 10, 2011 at 8:35:17 PM
this day care is out of a house but are surely about to expand and be a lot better than b4.the young lady that takes care of my daughter is an awesome provider she is always and my daughter makes sure to cry and hug her before she leaves.the provider always have the kids in order when i drop/pick up my child.I am not sure but they are suppose to be going on Broadway soon and i hope that you have the same experience that i had and as much luck as i did