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>> Home >> Michigan >> New Boston Childcare Providers >> Starlite Preschool, LLC

Starlite Preschool, LLC

Name:  Starlite Preschool, LLC
Address:  28600 Mineral Springs
 New Boston, MI 48164
Phone:  (734) 654-9700

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2 years 10 months
5 years 10 months

The most important goal of our early childhood curriculum is to help children become enthusiastic learners. This means encouraging children to be active and creative explorers who are not afraid to try out their ideas and to think their own thoughts. Our goal is to help children become independent, self-confident and inquisitive learners. We are teaching them how to learn not just in preschool, but all throughout their lives.

We are allowing children to learn at their own pace and in ways that are best for them. We are teaching children good habits and attitudes and to have a positive sense of themselves. Our curriculum identifies goals in all areas of development:

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