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>> Home >> Missouri >> Columbia Childcare Providers >> Latter House Childcare Center

Latter House Childcare Center

Name:  Latter House Childcare Center
Address:  4914 Prairie Ridge St.
 Columbia, MO 65202
Phone:  (573) 474-5888

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1 week
12 years

Affliated with the Latter House Kingdom Ministries.
Birth - 12yrs of age. (infant/toddler unit, preschool, school-age before and after school program, drop-in service based on space availability, school days out camp) Transportation to and from Blueridge Elementary, Alpha Hart Lewis Elementary, Derby Ridge and Shephard Elementary Schools. USDA Food Program. Professional abd degreed teachers and staff. Our goal is to "Make a difference in the Life of a Child."

Write a Review for Latter House Childcare Center
Review by Mother of Attending Child on Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 7:27:33 PM
Excellent place to take you child. My child has learned sign language, daily prayer, and increased in her language skills since she has attended. The center is faith based which includes academic learning to prepare children for school. They have an open door policy and whenever I call the center for any reason my concerns are attended to immediately and/or someone will call me back in a matter of minutes. My child has learned to socialize and interact with others. The center also includes the foster grandparent program which exposes children to the nurturing and caring nature of senior citizens. The hours are convenient for my work hours. They are open from 6am-6pm which give me time for pick up and drop-off times. The teacher are educated and the staff are wonderful. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed. Your child will be in a safe, secure and lovable atmosphere.