Mom, Dad & Loved Ones!
Currently you are searching for quality child care that isn't half of your income. You are looking for a reliable, safe place to take your child where you will feel great about taking them each day and know they are learning and having fun!
Whether you are a parent looking for child care for the first time, or a veteran, the process is always the same in finding quality care. It is time consuming, you have an abundance of questions and you just want to find the right provider for your kiddos.
My ongoing goal for Petites Child Care is to embrace all of those components plus so much more!
I strive to provide an environment that enables children to enhance life skills, learning, personal growth, as well as, positive relationships and interactions with other. I work with difficulties and challenges unique to your child, including medical, growth and developmental challenges.
I strive to exceed parent's expectations and offer a low price for high quality care. I know how hard it can be! Our environment is structured and stable yet flexible to personalize to each child's needs. I encourage open parent communication and involvement with your child(ren).
My hope is to assist you in this process.
Happy Child Care Hunting! :)
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