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>> Home >> Massachusetts >> Wayland Childcare Providers >> Community Nursery School of Wayland

Community Nursery School of Wayland

Name:  Community Nursery School of Wayland
Address:  5 Damon St
 Wayland, MA 01778
Phone:  (508) 651-2555

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2 years 9 months
5 years

Community Nursery School of Wayland, Inc. is a preschool nurturing the children of Wayland, Natick and the surrounding communities since 1966.

At Community Nursery School of Wayland, we believe that the social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of the preschool child is enhanced by nursery school. We believe that children learn best when they are actively participating in hands-on, interactive experiences. And we focus our efforts on stimulating the development of self-esteem, independence, problem solving skills and a life-long love of learning.

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