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>> Home >> California >> Fairfield Childcare Providers >> Little Champs Day Care

Little Champs Day Care

Name:  Little Champs Day Care
Address:  649 Renaissance Ave.
 Fairfield, CA 94534
Phone:  (707) 864-0744

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10 years

* Age: 18 months - 10 years old
* Open: Monday - Friday
* Hours: 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
* Full/Part Time, Drop ins available
* Transportation To/From School (Nelda Mundy School - Green Valley)
* Bilingual: English & Tagalog (Filipino)
* Affordable rate

Write a Review for Little Champs Day Care
Review by Heather Worden on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 11:55:18 AM
I learned about Little Champs from a really positive referral. This is in my mind the better way to select a Day Care- talk to someone who has their children there! My Son LOVES going to Little Champs every day! He is always greeted with a smile and happy atmosphere. It is difficult picking him up as he hates to leave. This is important to me, knowing my child is loved and enjoys those he is spending his day with. I would recommend this Day Care to any of my friends and family, in fact I have and they love it too!