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>> Home >> Colorado >> Arvada Childcare Providers >> TenderCare Academy

TenderCare Academy

Name:  TenderCare Academy
Address:  6454 Simms Street
 Arvada, CO 80004
Phone:  (303) 420-3000

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6 years

We are privately owned and operated by teachers with more than 25 years experience! We provide theme based academic curriculum to best prepare your child for their future! Here at TenderCare we believe we can make the difference in the life of a child!

*We are open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
*We provide a healthy breakfast, lunch and snack daily.
*We offer affordable rates, CCAP students are welcome!
*Our facility is newly remodeled, even the toys are new!
*All of our teachers have certifications in both elementary and early

Write a Review for TenderCare Academy
Review by Rebekah on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 3:41:26 PM
I am so glad my son attends Tender Care Academy! The staff here is amazing!! They do a phenomenal job of getting down to the same level as the children and are constantly active! My son has learned so much just in the first weeks he was there and he comes home with many crafts they do during the day. The teacher's and staff are heart-warming individuals who wear their hearts on their sleeves and are passionate about what they do!