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>> Home >> California >> Encino Childcare Providers >> Encino Creative Kids Daycare / Preschool

Encino Creative Kids Daycare / Preschool

Name:  Encino Creative Kids Daycare / Preschool
Address:  5167 Glora Ave
 Encino, CA 91436
Phone:  (818) 981-1268

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6 months
6 years

ECK is a quality Home-based childcare with an age-appropriate preschool curriculum.

They offer many choices for families, including part time, full time, DROP-IN care,and a NEW morning program.

They have exciting learning activities & games for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, Kindergarten skills, and after school tutoring available.

They are expereinced and caring. They have the ability to nurture & shape each child through the most important developmental time in a young child's life (o through 5 years).

Write a Review for Encino Creative Kids Daycare / Preschool
Review by Nurturing & Stimulating on Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 10:10:23 PM
This daycare is run like a preschool with the added benefit of a small and nurturing environment. They have plenty of space, with a separate classroom for ages 2 and up. They have a large grassy backyard with swings, slides, rock climbing, balls, tricycles, and more. Their side yard hosts a playhoue, train table, art table, more climbing structures, and ride-in cars! They are a perfect blend of progessive play-based meets a strong academic FUN learning model! They have monthly, weekly and daily themed learning. They encourage individual strengths in each child! Learn more about this hidden treasure in the San Fernando Valley.