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>> Home >> Washington >> Tacoma Childcare Providers >> Discovery Zone Preschool

Discovery Zone Preschool

Name:  Discovery Zone Preschool
Address:  821-126th St Ct E
 Tacoma, WA 98445
Phone:  (253) 212-0607

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2 years
11 years

Care giver with over 12 years experience. Open M-F from 6am to 6pm* hours are flexible. USDA food program, full day curriculum. Before/after school care for Collins Elementary School.

Write a Review for Discovery Zone Preschool
Review by saphire on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 2:25:46 PM
If you are looking for a wonderful experience for your children with piece of mind that your children are being cared for and nurtured then this is the preschool for you. They have structured activies throughout the day, the class room is always fun and exciting and the children really love their teacher. Miss Kacy is the best!!!