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>> Home >> Texas >> Cedar Hill Childcare Providers >> Little T's Daycare

Little T's Daycare

Name:  Little T's Daycare
Address:  418 Tranquility Lane
 Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Phone:  (334) 717-9752

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6 months
12 years

Little T’s Daycare is a Registered In-home Childcare, providing a clean, caring, warm, & safe environment. I teach early childhood development to prepare kids for kindergarten and provide nutritional meals. Little T’s has an open door policy. We’re currently serving infants to 12 years. CCMS is accepted. Please call us to schedule a tour of the home and meet my staff.

Write a Review for Little T's Daycare
Review by Lisa on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 6:00:32 PM
My child has only attended this day care for a month and my child was learning how to add. That was impressive, so they really do work with children.