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>> Home >> California >> Vallejo Childcare Providers >> Brighten my World Christian Child Care

Brighten my World Christian Child Care

Name:  Brighten my World Christian Child Care
Address:  1105 Seahorse Drive
 Vallejo, CA 94591
Phone:  (707) 642-1010

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11 months 3 weeks
5 years 11 months

An Invigorating Environment

Brighten my World Preschool is an environment designed to brighten the tender mnds of each child that enters our program by creating an exciting, educational, fun filled and creative environment. Your child's day will be BRIGHT with learning, reading, discovering, playing, singing, puppet shows, talent shows, eating, sharing and being creative.

A Home away from Home Environment

Brighten my World is a private preschool program which operates as a business. Our program is a home away from home environment for our children. We can not replace the love of mother or father, but motherly attention given during the day can help your child adjust to the "cold" reality that parents have to work.

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