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>> Home >> South Dakota >> Sioux Falls Childcare Providers >> Tinker Tots

Tinker Tots

Name:  Tinker Tots
Address:  4004 E 23rd Street
 Sioux Falls, SD 57103
Phone:  (605) 941-2057

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10 years

Tinker Tots is a in-home daycare opening March 19th! We have a fully registered daycare provider, and one registered assistant, whom are both city and stat registered! Both of us are also CPR and First-Aid registered through the city of Sioux Falls.


* The Food Program through Sanford, and will offer many yummy meals packed with nutrition!
* Acceptance of six (6) weeks to five (5) years.
* 16 years of experience with in-home and center daycare!
* A preschool program for ages 2-5 years.
* Lots of education and one on one time! We will have plenty to do all day!
* An awesome variety of lots and lots of toys!
* Multiple child discount!


* 5:30am - 5:30pm

Thank you for you interest and we look forward to hearing from you!

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