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>> Home >> Massachusetts >> Hopedale Childcare Providers >> Miss Anne's Daycare

Miss Anne's Daycare

Name:  Miss Anne's Daycare
Address:  #20 The Driftway
 Hopedale, MA 01747
Phone:  (508) 482-1992

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1 month 2 weeks
11 years 11 months

Our family daycare is on a safe dead-end street in Hopedale! The entire ground floor of our home walks out to a large play area for children to grow and explore.

We have been in business for 10 years, and are now expanding our license from 8 to 10 and adding staff. Our continuing education covers the required CPR and First Aid classes and child development training for raising healthy children.

Some of the ways the children learn and grow are through painting, writing, story telling, tricycling, strolls in the parklands, dramatic play, singing, use of rhythmic instruments, and moving to different types of music. We explore the environment with the five senses, and listen to, recite, sing and dramatize literature.

We advocate getting outside at least once a day almost every day, excepting only extreme weather. Normal rain, snow, hot or cold, out we go! Outings include trips to libraries, museums, the zoo, various local playgrounds, rail trails and state parks.

Unique learning opportunities include healthy physical activities such as tricycling (not only outside but sometimes inside, too) and indoor and outdoor swings.

Exposure to dogs and cats teaches caring and proper respect and handling, as well as lowering risk of allergies in later years. The children also learn self-help skills, experience good nutrition in meals and snacks, explore the properties of objects, observe the weather and seasonal changes and are helped to understand their behavior, how they affect and are affected by people, children, pets, and other living things,

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