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>> Home >> Maryland >> Gaithersburg Childcare Providers >> Lucky Star

Lucky Star

Name:  Lucky Star
Address:  109 Coral Reef Terr.
 Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone:  (240) 274-8798

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5 years

The most important aspect of life for all of us is the health and happiness of our children. Our childcare will help them to become independent, well mannered, successful and prepared for healthy interaction with other children through instructed play and developing activities. We take an eastern European approach to childcare, which means nutritious, home made cuisine, just like grandma’s is prepared for children everyday and the children are always engaged in constructive activities. We believe that time spent away from home should be utilized for educating lessons and activities. In our childcare we aspire to keeping children healthy, cheerful and safe. Perfect conditions for education, progress and a fun time are provided for children ages 12 months to 12 years. We are open from 6:30am -- 6:00pm, Monday to Friday. Our home made meals are provided three times a day.

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