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>> Home >> California >> Fremont Childcare Providers >> Bright Beginning Daycare/Preschoo/ Afterschool Care

Bright Beginning Daycare/Preschoo/ Afterschool Care

Name:  Bright Beginning Daycare/Preschoo/ Afterschool Care
Address:  34270 Whitehead Lane
 Fremont, CA 94555
Phone:  (510) 440-8281

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5 years

First week is free if you enroll in the month of August2012

- Offers full daycare / preschool/ Afterschool Care
- Licensed daycare License # 013421448
-Highly qualified teacher/provider with California child development permit for Teacher/Site supervisor. She also holds a degree in Bachelor of education. She speaks English and Hindi.
- Seven years of experience teaching excellent preschools of Fremont.
- Her motto is FUN and LEARN
- House is clean, safe ,spacious and equipped with preschool setting.
-Children grow in a very loving and caring environment.
-Well planned curriculum focuses on overall development of a child i.e. physical, social, emotional , cognitive, creative development.
- Parents are welcome to visit their children anytime.
-Excellent teacher/ child ratio 1;6
- Reasonable charges

We welcome children ages 12 months-5 years old
- Well rounded curriculum, age-appropriate activities, includes:
* Fine motor skills- Working on eye-hand coordination, small muscles of the hands, pre-writing skills.
* Large motor skills- running, climbing ,jumping etc.
*Language arts- Alphabet recognition, phonics program, speaking, vocabulary etc.
* Social Skills- Play, sharing, interaction while playing, music & movement helps build social skills.
*Math- Math concepts, number recognition, shapes, colors, patterning, reasoning, addition, subtraction etc.
* Creative arts- Painting, arts, craft, drawing, singing, dancing , cooking.
* Science- animals, plants, observation, experimentation.

Please call 5104408281 for detail.
We look forward to seeing you!
For more info you can reach us at

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