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>> Home >> Michigan >> Warren Childcare Providers >> Anita's Licensed In-Home Daycare

Anita's Licensed In-Home Daycare

Name:  Anita's Licensed In-Home Daycare
Address:  2529 Irma St.
 Warren, MI 48092
Phone:  (586) 838-4277

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10 years

This is a licensed Home Daycare. I am certified in CPR, First Aid, and Early Childhood Development. With your infant I will love, feed, rock, have tummy time, with just to name a few. With your toddler we will read, dance, paint color, make art projects,learn abc, numbers, shapes, colors. I will also give the kids free time so they can learn to use their imaginations. In addition, I also do a 3 and a 4+ yr. old preschool. This is just a few of the things that are done in my daycare.

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