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>> Home >> Maryland >> Pasadena Childcare Providers >> Cuddly Bear's Daycare

Cuddly Bear's Daycare

Name:  Cuddly Bear's Daycare
Address:  4342 Mountain Road
 Pasadena, MD 21122
Phone:  (410) 437-2226

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12 years

Cuddly Bear's Daycare Has Openings Available For Ages New Born to 12 years. I offer a loving, caring environment where children can learn, laugh & grow . . . together!

* I provide many interactive toys along with an age appropriate preschool curriculum on a daily basis includes circle time where the children learn letters, numbers, shapes,colors. Arts and crafts,

* Indoor/ outdoor play, story time, free play are also is also a part of our daily activities.

* My hours are Monday through Friday 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM.

I'm an experience licensed provider with great references & reasonable rates!!!

Please contact me if interested @
Cuddly Bear's Daycare
(410) 437 - 2226

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