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>> Home >> Texas >> Beaumont Childcare Providers >> Ashley's House

Ashley's House

Name:  Ashley's House
Address:  2270 Harrison Ave.
 Beaumont, TX 77701
Phone:  (409) 499-1824

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2 months
12 years

Mon- Fri 7:30- 5:30
Safe place with a ton of learning experiences. I focus on reading, music and treating the world with respect. I have pets and plants that we care for and a huge outdoor play area too. My meals are supported by the local food program and I offer mostly organic milk and some organic fresh vegetables too.

Write a Review for Ashley's House
Review by Candice Lutz on Monday, February 4, 2013 at 7:01:45 PM
I have trusted Ashley to care for my daughter, who is now two and a half, since she was 11 months old. There is not a single place I could send her to know that she is safe, loved, and learning! At the age of 2 1/2, she counts to 100, knows some Spanish, draws/paints, and can spell words. This is all thanks to Miss Ashley! She feeds nutritious food, teaches kindness, patience, and independence. She helped potty train successfully. I've seen her care for infants who grew to love her so very much. She has a heart for kids, and I would 110% recommend her as a childcare provider. We love her!