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>> Home >> Texas >> Houston Childcare Providers >> Susan's Child-Care

Susan's Child-Care

Name:  Susan's Child-Care
Address:  2618 Skyview Cove Ct
 Houston, TX 77047
Phone:  (832) 969-8163

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11 months
6 years 11 months

Our Childcare is licensed by the State of Texas and maintains the highest standards of safety, security, cleanliness, teaching and Christian Loving Care.
We provide a variety of nutritious, safe and appropriate meals for your child. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Morning and afternoon snacks.
Activities: Crafts, Music, Story Time, Math and Science, Motor Skills, Spanish, and a lot more.
Your Child will receive bilingual instructions, English/Spanish, in a relaxing and fun environment.

Nuestro Childcare esta Registado bajo el Estado de Texas , mantiene altos estándares de seguridad, limpieza, enseñanza Christiana, amor y cuidado.
Proporcionamos nutritivos Alimentos deacuerdo a la edad. Desayuno, merienda, Comida, snacks y Cena.
Desarrollamos Actividades como: crafts, Musica, Lectura, Matemáticas, Ciencias, desarrollo de habilidades motoras deacuerdo a la edad,Ingles, and mucho mas

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