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>> Home >> Maryland >> Upper Marlboro Childcare Providers >> Ivy League Academy

Ivy League Academy

Name:  Ivy League Academy
Address:  10610 Melwood Chapel Lane
 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Phone:  (240) 481-7345

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3 months
12 years

Curriculum based daycare providing children from age 3 months to 12 years old with a well rounded educational experience which support each stage of development. Children are given the opportunity to explore education through various learning opportunities which allow them to become independent, creative, problem solve, team player, social, responsible, respectable and caring. While learning through play children learn to view learning as fun.

Write a Review for Ivy League Academy
Review by Diane H Cephas on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 10:02:17 PM
My children has been attending Ivy League for 3 years. My daughter is now in the second grade and my son is now 17 months. The provider is on point with everything. My daughter is there for before and aftercare. The provider make sure that she completeshould her homework, provide nor only a after school snack but on most days meals. She assist with projects, and make sure my daughter has all the supplies she needs to complete assignments. She even sir with her if needed to complete her assignments. My 17 month old has been there since he was 3 months and is developing fast. I am impressed with what he has learned to the point. He goes to the library, on educational field trips, arts and craft, music, language development and much more. I am happy that my children are happy when I come to get this every day. This facility is the best and I highly recommend Ivy League Academy.