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>> Home >> Texas >> Seguin Childcare Providers >> Sprouts Learning Academy

Sprouts Learning Academy

Name:  Sprouts Learning Academy
Address:  1359 E. College St.
 Seguin, TX 78155
Phone:  (830) 372-4453

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Hours of Operation
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
7 years



Preschool 3, Preschool 4, Child Care ages 6 weeks - 7 years old.

Sprouts Learning Academy and Childcare Center provides a loving and caring environment where your child's mind and life are enriched.

We specialize in building academics, faith, and social skills to their full potential. Our school is fun, safe environment full of color and engaging activities.

Sprouts offers daily Enrichment programs in our Learning Lab: science, math, language, chapel, art, cooking, and dance along with field trips and visits from community helpers!

Schedule an appointment today to see why Sprouts Learning Academy is the BEST place for Preschool and Child Daycare in Seguin!

Write a Review for Sprouts Learning Academy
Review by Sprouts Learnin on Monday, September 21, 2015 at 11:11:19 AM
Child Unlimited has changed to SPROUTS LEARNING CENTER. Preschool 3, Preschool 4, Child Care ages 6 weeks - 7 years old. Sprouts Learning Academy and Childcare Center provides a loving and caring environment where your child's mind and life are enriched. We specialize in building academics, faith, and social skills to their full potential. Our school is fun, safe environment full of color and engaging activities. Sprouts offers daily Enrichment programs in our Learning Lab: science, math, language, chapel, art, cooking, and dance along with field trips and visits from community helpers! Schedule an appointment today to see why Sprouts Learning Academy is the BEST place for Preschool and Child Daycare in Seguin! Contact Information: 1359 E. College St. 830-372-4453