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>> Home >> Oregon >> Beaverton Childcare Providers >> Grandma Kathy's One-on-One Infant Care

Grandma Kathy's One-on-One Infant Care

Name:  Grandma Kathy's One-on-One Infant Care
Address:  8660 SW Maverick Terrace
 Beaverton, OR 97008
Phone:  (503) 816-1216

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Hours of Operation
6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
2 weeks
2 years


I am a "Stay at Home" Grandmother. I LOVE BABIES and have the experience to give them a safe and loving environment. I specialize in newborns and infants. Why hire a teenager, who will probably spend time talking on the phone and texting? I have been married 44 years, raised 2 sons, helped with 3 grandchildren, and over 30 years of experience with infants. My smoke-free home (with 1 dog who attends Doggie Camp during the day), is in the Sexton Mountain/Murrayhill area of Beaverton. I do not watch several children, instead I prefer to give all of my attention to your precious baby. A beautiful park is across the street for nice weather outings. Normally, I care for an infant between 3 and 5 days a week.

I will be available December 5th, as the little girl I have been caring for since she was 3 months will be headed off to preschool. If you have any questions, or, would like to meet, please contact me. I am now beginning interviews to start in December/January. Thank you.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Babysitting/Nanny - Beaverton, OR - Responsibilities: Care for little ones from 3 months old to 24 months old. See above for more specifics. SKILLS: CPR and First Aid trained.

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