A one of a kind daycare/preschool with a play based curriculum, promoting emotional intelligence and love of learning. Gem Educare is a multicultural education setting, which provides children with the opportunity to play and learn in a clean, warm and safe home based environment. We accept children between the ages of 0-5 years old. Our program fosters emotional intelligence, self-confidence, self-esteem and critical thinking. Toys and activities are developmentally appropriate for young children to expand on their physical, emotional, cognitive, and mental growth. Play and fun activities enhance curiosity, creativity, joy, pleasure and self expression. Some of these activities include storytelling, story reading, imaginary play, dress up, solving puzzles, arts and crafts, singing, dancing, and playing music – all child directed! The outdoor space provides an opportunity for children to engage in activities such as gardening, caring for animals, challenging themselves physically by climbing, swinging and riding bicycles, etc. Our additional offerings include: Play-based preschool curriculum for children ages 3 and up; Organic home made food; breakfast, lunch and two snacks; Highly educated caregivers in the field of child development and child psychology; CPR and First Aid certified. We specialize in helping children overcome separation anxiety. We speak Armenian, English, Farsi, and Spanish.
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