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>> Home >> Texas >> Pearland Childcare Providers >> The Learning Experience at Pearland

The Learning Experience at Pearland

Name:  The Learning Experience at Pearland
Address:  3547 McHard Road
 Pearland, TX 77581
Phone:  (281) 997-7833

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Hours of Operation
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
6:30 AM - 6:30 PM
12 years

Education Principles
The foundation of The Learning Experience® was built on three key educational and care principles: cognitive, physical, and social; or as we say at TLE®, "learn, play, and grow!"


Core Academic Skills. Our proprietary L.E.A.P.® (Learning Experience Academic Program) guarantees children will graduate TLE® with exceptional core academic skills that will start them on the path to a bright future. At TLE®, we know each child develops at their own pace, so our curriculum is designed to provide experiences for children that promote academic competency along with a mastery of developmental tasks, no matter what learning stage they are in.


Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Skills. At TLE®, children are taught to engage in a variety of controlled and safe activities that encourage them to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle at an early age. Healthy food choices are provided daily while our teachers foster an awareness of proper nutrition.


Life and Comfort Skills. TLE® embraces important practical and real-world matters that most other early learning institutions often ignore. Our proprietary Philanthropy Program lays the foundations for children to become respectful and well-mannered people by teaching them the value of selflessness, sharing and giving.

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